Type Identification =================== class ----- **Syntax** :: class(x) **Description** Returns a string specifying the class or data type of input operand, ``x``. Output may include one of the following types: ``logical, char, cell, struct, function_handle, intN, uintN,`` or ``double``. iscell ------ **Syntax** :: iscell(x) **Description** Deterimines whether the input is a cell array. Returns the true logical value whenever ``x`` is a cell array and otherwise returns the false logical value. isempty ------- **Syntax** :: isempty(x) **Description** Determines whether the input is an empty array. Returns the logical true value whenever ``x`` is an array that has at least one dimension of size zero, and the false logical value otherwise. isscalar -------- **Syntax** :: isscalar(x) **Description** Determines whether the input is scalar. Returns the logical true value whenever ``size(x)=[1 1]``, and the false logical value otherwise. isvector -------- **Syntax** :: isvector(x) **Description** Determines whether the input is a vector. Returns the true logical value whenever ``size(x)=[1 n]`` or ``size(x)=[n 1]`` and ``n`` is a non-negative integer, otherwise, it returns the false logical value. ismember -------- **Syntax** :: ismember(s,x) **Description** Determines if the string, ``s``, exists within the cell array of strings, ``x``. For example, ``ismember('findMe', x)`` returns the logical false value when ``x={'foo', 'bar', 'bash'}`` and the logical true value when ``x={'foo', 'findMe', 'bash'}``.